Health & Wellness, why is it so important for everyone?

Alright, it’s been a hot minute, again… but why? Well, as I let you guys know before, I started my advanced aesthetic journey and I actually started a new job as well. I’m that individual that likes to stay busy, but oh man, this is busy busy and it wasn’t what I was expecting. So, how am I working through everything? Obviously, not that well considering I haven’t posted in a while and I had planned on posting a lot more this year.

When we think about how busy we are, most people tend to forget that our health and wellness are what comes first. So, what does that mean? Fueling our bodies correctly, taking time to practice mindfulness and remembering to keep moving our bodies no matter how it’s done. So, let’s keep this one short and sweet with just some simple thoughts and words on what runs through my mind and how I deal with it.

As someone who lives in the PNW, I’m not gonna lie, it gets chilly out here, so making sure to get a good little workout in can be tricky, but if you’re able to, getting some movement in while in the house is also a great alternative instead of going outside to get it done. For myself, I have created a little workout room which benefits me in the way that I don’t have to go to the gym, it’s available any time of the day and I can even practice my mindfulness after a workout.

So, what do I mean when I say “practice mindfulness” ? Well, it can mean a lot of things and it depends on the person. In general, Mindfulness is a type of meditation in which you focus on being aware of what you are sensing or feeling in that moment. This practice was introduced to me when I took some different religion classes when I first began my college courses and then ended up taking some ethics courses with the same instructor and every class, we began and ended with mindfulness. It’s something that has stuck with me since those earlier days and I try to take some time to myself everyday and see how I am feeling in that moment. It’s also a great way to help calm your body if you have a hard time sleeping, because you bring awareness to yourself and understand what is going through your mind at that time.

While staying busy during the week, I have found that reading, getting a quick workout in and making sure I am eating good foods to fuel my body for the long days I have are what’s key to not crashing and burning when things tend to get overwhelming. I definitely feel like everyone is different, some people may work best when they have snacks throughout the day versus meals, some work best when they do 30 minutes of straight work, an hour break and back to work again, but no matter what, it’s always so important to remember that You Are You, no one can change that and you should never let someone try. We ALL have our own path, what works for me, may not work for you, your schedule could be totally different, your body is different and your mind is different, and that’s okay!

I also feel like so many people tend to compare themselves to others, don’t get me wrong, I deal with it too.. but we also have to learn that we will never be those people and they will never be us, that’s life and it’s always going to be up to us to make the best out of what we have. Even on those days or weeks that I don’t workout but see that everyone else is, I have to remind myself that I am still doing my best for myself and that may mean I get extra rest because my body is telling me I need it and I am totally happy with that, because I am what’s important, not what everyone else is doing. Learning to take care of ourselves is something that we always tend to forget about, especially if we are always on the go. We tend to forget that we are human but we need to take that extra time to ourselves to nourish our bodies and minds and then we will fully thrive no matter what is thrown at us.

So, in the end, find what works for you, take care of that amazing body of yours, always remember your mental health matters and be the best version of yourself that you were always meant to be. 🖤

What are some things that you do for a little health and wellness time during the week? How do you remind your body that you love it?

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