Classic Facials, What’s the Big Deal?

Have you ever gone through that time of the year where it seems that your skin is constantly dry, rough, textured and maybe a little clogged up? Maybe that happens to you more often than you want? Sometimes as the busy humans we are, we forget that taking care of our skin is actually something very important and it can help clear up many skin concerns that we may have.

So, what makes it worth the appointment? For starters, when you are booking a treatment, don’t feel that in order to get results you have to spend hundreds of dollars, that’s not the point here. Instead, focus on what your skin concern is, who your local estheticians are and what type of treatments they recommend after getting a skin analysis. Once you have actually had a proper skin analysis done, your esthetician can then talk to you about what treatments, products and even a skin care routine might look like for the results you are wanting. Keep in mind that depending on your location, prices for treatments will also vary such as living in Beverly Hills, prices could be expensive and in Portland, they could be more budget friendly.

When we are talking about classic facials, there are many types you can get depending on your budget, concerns and how frequently you want to receive a treatment. If you are looking for just the most basic, get in and out type of facial, a 30-45 minute express facial might be perfect for you. This treatment does a gentle cleanse, exfoliation, tone, treat and moisturize but it doesn’t include extras such as extractions, steaming and the use of other professional tools. If you are wanting the next step up, a typical hour long facial or European facial with added treatments can be very beneficial as well and the prices can range depending on what you are wanting to get out of your treatment such as a more intense treatment for acne, extractions or even if you are wanting a chemical peel (not a classic facial though!), the customizations are endless!

Since I have done a simple name game of a couple types of facials, I am just going to share a little more on different treatments, their benefits and why they may be a good choice, so stick around and see if anything sounds of interest to you!

Classic Facial Types:

1. Express Facial

Like stated above, an express facial is the perfect get in and get out treatment, it’s about 30-45 minutes long and consists of your basic gentle cleanse, exfoliation, toner, treatment and moisturizer/ spf. If you are new to any treatment, this may be the perfect choice for you if you are wanting to just get a feel for what a facial is like, but let me warn you, you may fall in love and want more! With an express facial, just keep in mind that not every esthetician will offer this just because it is more common to get a longer treatment, however, don’t let that stop you because you also never know unless you ask!

When we talk about a basic facial, it’s not just “basic”, you are still getting a great treatment to help brighten, exfoliate, hydrate and treat your skin, even if it is only 30-45 minutes. With this, you’ll be able to see a brighter complexion almost instantly as your esthetician will be able to exfoliate all of those dead skin cells causing build up off and help remove impurities from the skin. With an instant boost of hydration as well, you’ll leave glowing and protected (by that spf of course!).

2. Regular 1-hr Facial

Just like an express facial, but more. If you gave that express facial a try and loved it, you will most likely love this 1-hr facial as it includes more steps than an express and you can have it customized to your needs. With a typical 1-hr facial , you will receive a double cleanse, extractions, steam, moisturizer for your face and décolleté along with an extra massage while your mask is sitting for 10-15 mins. Your esthetician may massage your arms/hands, head and feet if you would like during this time or if you would like to opt out and just relax, that’s always an option as well!

The really nice thing about a 1-hr facial is that your esthetician will do a skin analysis beforehand so they can truly customize the treatment depending on your skin type. What does that mean? Depending on if you have dry, oily, combo or normal skin, your treatment will vary because each skin type is going to need a different treatment, along with any concerns you have such as acne, sun spots/ damage, fine lines, etc. I think that 1-hr facials are great because not only are you treating your face but also your décolleté (neck and chest), which is an area that a lot of people forget about.

3. European Facial

A European facial is very similar to a regular 1-hr facial, however it is a little more involved. During this treatment you’ll get your cleansing, toning, treatment’s (yes, more than one!), and moisturizer, however with a European facial you can also get steam cleaning which is a great way of deeper cleansing. Essentially this facial is great for those who have that extra time, want results and are willing to stay on top of their treatments. When you book a European facial you are booking a treatment that is longer and more intensive than a normal facial so be ready to be pampered! The one thing about this facial I would just say to watch out for is if they are using cleansing brush heads… they aren’t the most sanitary of tools, so I don’t personally recommend using them. If the esthetician is able to use a silicone tool, that will be a much better choice for you as it’s not going to be as harsh and it wont harbor bacteria in the bristles.

4. Anti-aging Facial

Similar to your other classic facials, this one is meant to target signs of aging with pre-mature and mature skin, typically those 30 and up. Facials like this will typically incorporate more antioxidant-heavy products, deeper exfoliation, and serums containing ingredients such as collagen, retinol, hyaluronic acid, niacinamide, peptides (amino acids) and vitamin c. With an anti-aging facial as well, LED light therapy can be used during the treatment to help address aging concerns and help with skin complexion and texture.

Just about any classic facial that you book, you will always get the basic cleansing, toning, moisturizing/ spf. But, depending on the facial, you may receive exfoliations and different treatments to help your skin come out like new. Nothing better than feeling fresh with that hydrated and plumped up look!

So, what classic facial are you thinking of trying? Or maybe you’ve been in the game for a while and you like those chemical peels, hydra facials, laser peels, and more? You can look forward to a new post sharing more on those treatments in the near future as well!

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