Classic Facials, What’s the Big Deal?

Have you ever gone through that time of the year where it seems that your skin is constantly dry, rough, textured and maybe a little clogged up? Maybe that happens to you more often than you want? Sometimes as the busy humans we are, we forget that taking care of our skin is actually something … Continue reading Classic Facials, What’s the Big Deal?

My Top Moisturizers for Combo Skin

Hey guys! Sorry it's been a minute since I last posted, life takes over sometimes but I'm back with the skin care posts and this week I am talking about my favorite moisturizers for combo skin. When it comes to skin, people usually have normal, dry, combo, sensitive or oily skin, I myself have normal/ … Continue reading My Top Moisturizers for Combo Skin

Dermaplaning, Was It Worth It?

So, if you're into all of the skin care trends or even just scrolling online, you may have heard about dermaplaning, it's that big thing when they basically shave your entire face and remove all of those dead skin cells and peach fuzz to reveal a smooth and slightly brighter complexion. Well, as someone who … Continue reading Dermaplaning, Was It Worth It?

Nature Republic, Ever Heard of It?

As we all know, I LOVE me some good skin care, that means I love great price points and on the occasion, I am okay with doing a little splurge. However, over the last few years I have been totally in love with Nature Republic, and if you have never heard of them, I am … Continue reading Nature Republic, Ever Heard of It?

Dr.Dennis Gross Pro Facial Steamer and Alpha Beta® Daily Peel

Lately, being stuck at home due to the circumstances going on around the world, a lot of people have been into their own home skin care treatments and more, and this is definitely true for myself. One of my closest friends has actually been teasing me when I post on my Instagram about whatever new … Continue reading Dr.Dennis Gross Pro Facial Steamer and Alpha Beta® Daily Peel

TonyMoly: Liptone ™ Get It Tint

Hi Friends! Sorry I haven't posted in a hot second, life has been busy with grad school, but I'm back and ready to share about a new product I just happened to come across thanks to Monsta X (One of the hottest male Kpop groups!). If you haven't listened to them, I recommend it, their … Continue reading TonyMoly: Liptone ™ Get It Tint

Rosacea: What is it and How can we control it?

When it comes to rosacea there are still so many unanswered questions regarding it and how we can completely get rid of it. Fortunately we know that there are four different types of rosacea and we know how to control flare ups and can understand different triggers for it as well. In this post I … Continue reading Rosacea: What is it and How can we control it?

Skin Care On A Budget 101

When it comes to skin care, a lot of products you see people share about (I'm guilty) usually tend to be more on the pricy side unfortunately. This can make it hard when you are needing a great moisturizer but don't want to or can't freely spend $50 on a 1oz jar, right? That's a … Continue reading Skin Care On A Budget 101

Acne: What Is It, How Do We Get It and How Do We Treat It?

Lets face it, we have all had those pesky little guys pop up on the occasion, even if you're someone that never breaks out (me), you've had at least one little pimple make its presence. For girls, it's usually around a special time mother nature likes to say hey, and for guys, it's usually when … Continue reading Acne: What Is It, How Do We Get It and How Do We Treat It?

Dyson Supersonic™ Hair Dryer: Yay or Nay?

As you may have seen in my recent post about the Corrale™ Straightener, I mentioned the Dyson Supersonic™ Hair Dryer and how I recently purchased it (Finally!). Well, the time has come to give this little baby a review from head to toe, well, head to cord I guess? Price point So, this hair dryer … Continue reading Dyson Supersonic™ Hair Dryer: Yay or Nay?