Budgeting: Why Is It So Hard Sometimes?

Oh the dreaded budgeting topic...am I right? If you're like me, you're totally a shopaholic and you're not the best of friends with budgeting.. Ha. I will admit it, I have no shame with being honest, BUT I am working on doing better, especially with the new year and having big plans for 2022. However, … Continue reading Budgeting: Why Is It So Hard Sometimes?

Health & Wellness, why is it so important for everyone?

Alright, it's been a hot minute, again... but why? Well, as I let you guys know before, I started my advanced aesthetic journey and I actually started a new job as well. I'm that individual that likes to stay busy, but oh man, this is busy busy and it wasn't what I was expecting. So, … Continue reading Health & Wellness, why is it so important for everyone?

Europe: The first Big trip since the beginning of 2020.

We have all been stuck in a rut over the year, am I right? Having the travel bug has been rough during the pandemic since you can't go anywhere you want, and if you do go somewhere, there are rules to follow. Well, this year has been a little better for some, and for me, … Continue reading Europe: The first Big trip since the beginning of 2020.

It’s been a Year.

Well, it’s been almost a year since my last post, so let’s catch up! I’m just going to start by saying it’s been a long ass year, not only for myself but for everyone. Not being able to do the things we wanted and had planned was rough, right? I know that for myself, not … Continue reading It’s been a Year.