International Travel 101: Quick Tips and Info For Your First Trip

Have you been thinking about doing a big international trip? Europe, Asia, Australia, etc? Well, if you're like me, you take things as they come to you, you don't stress out and it's more of a go with the flow type of thing, but I'll admit, having some sense of organization and plan are essential … Continue reading International Travel 101: Quick Tips and Info For Your First Trip

Europe: The first Big trip since the beginning of 2020.

We have all been stuck in a rut over the year, am I right? Having the travel bug has been rough during the pandemic since you can't go anywhere you want, and if you do go somewhere, there are rules to follow. Well, this year has been a little better for some, and for me, … Continue reading Europe: The first Big trip since the beginning of 2020.

Traveling: Saving Money One Task At A Time

It's no surprise that I love to travel and if it weren't for the pandemic at the moment, I would have gone on 4 trips from March- July, but, we gotta take action, be smart and stay safe! Despite not being able to travel at the moment, I know as soon as things are cleared … Continue reading Traveling: Saving Money One Task At A Time

Nature Republic, Ever Heard of It?

As we all know, I LOVE me some good skin care, that means I love great price points and on the occasion, I am okay with doing a little splurge. However, over the last few years I have been totally in love with Nature Republic, and if you have never heard of them, I am … Continue reading Nature Republic, Ever Heard of It?

Skin Care On A Budget 101

When it comes to skin care, a lot of products you see people share about (I'm guilty) usually tend to be more on the pricy side unfortunately. This can make it hard when you are needing a great moisturizer but don't want to or can't freely spend $50 on a 1oz jar, right? That's a … Continue reading Skin Care On A Budget 101