Acne: What Is It, How Do We Get It and How Do We Treat It?

Lets face it, we have all had those pesky little guys pop up on the occasion, even if you're someone that never breaks out (me), you've had at least one little pimple make its presence. For girls, it's usually around a special time mother nature likes to say hey, and for guys, it's usually when … Continue reading Acne: What Is It, How Do We Get It and How Do We Treat It?

Dark Spots: What are they and How do you treat them?

So, who has dark spots? Ever wonder how you got them? Well, there could be a couple of things leading to them such as sun exposure, hormonal changes and acne, just to name a few. When it comes to your skin it's always important to do that first step and wear sunscreen, despite you thinking … Continue reading Dark Spots: What are they and How do you treat them?