International Travel 101: Quick Tips and Info For Your First Trip

Have you been thinking about doing a big international trip? Europe, Asia, Australia, etc? Well, if you're like me, you take things as they come to you, you don't stress out and it's more of a go with the flow type of thing, but I'll admit, having some sense of organization and plan are essential … Continue reading International Travel 101: Quick Tips and Info For Your First Trip

Traveling: Saving Money One Task At A Time

It's no surprise that I love to travel and if it weren't for the pandemic at the moment, I would have gone on 4 trips from March- July, but, we gotta take action, be smart and stay safe! Despite not being able to travel at the moment, I know as soon as things are cleared … Continue reading Traveling: Saving Money One Task At A Time

Where To Eat In L.A.

Are you planning a fun trip to L.A. any time soon? If not, you definitely should! I will admit that it's one of my favorite places to visit, there's so much to see and do and so many yummy little cafĂ©'s and restaurants to try! When I go it's normally for a few days at … Continue reading Where To Eat In L.A.