Classic Facials, What’s the Big Deal?

Have you ever gone through that time of the year where it seems that your skin is constantly dry, rough, textured and maybe a little clogged up? Maybe that happens to you more often than you want? Sometimes as the busy humans we are, we forget that taking care of our skin is actually something … Continue reading Classic Facials, What’s the Big Deal?

Acne: What Is It, How Do We Get It and How Do We Treat It?

Lets face it, we have all had those pesky little guys pop up on the occasion, even if you're someone that never breaks out (me), you've had at least one little pimple make its presence. For girls, it's usually around a special time mother nature likes to say hey, and for guys, it's usually when … Continue reading Acne: What Is It, How Do We Get It and How Do We Treat It?

Skin Care Guide For Those Turning 30 and Older

When you think about it, many posts nowadays are usually geared towards the younger woman in her 20's who still has that beautiful fresh skin look, but, you still have that beautiful look too but you might just need some extra lovin from time to time as you begin to age, and that's just part … Continue reading Skin Care Guide For Those Turning 30 and Older

Top 10 Skin Care Choices of 2019

Take good care of your skin and hydrate. If you have good skin, everything else will fall into place.Liya Kebede Hey Guys! I'm back and this time I'm talking skin care, more like my top 10 of 2019. If you know me, you know I am ALL about skin care and keeping my face looking … Continue reading Top 10 Skin Care Choices of 2019