My Top Moisturizers for Combo Skin

Hey guys! Sorry it's been a minute since I last posted, life takes over sometimes but I'm back with the skin care posts and this week I am talking about my favorite moisturizers for combo skin. When it comes to skin, people usually have normal, dry, combo, sensitive or oily skin, I myself have normal/ … Continue reading My Top Moisturizers for Combo Skin

Nature Republic, Ever Heard of It?

As we all know, I LOVE me some good skin care, that means I love great price points and on the occasion, I am okay with doing a little splurge. However, over the last few years I have been totally in love with Nature Republic, and if you have never heard of them, I am … Continue reading Nature Republic, Ever Heard of It?

Skin Care On A Budget 101

When it comes to skin care, a lot of products you see people share about (I'm guilty) usually tend to be more on the pricy side unfortunately. This can make it hard when you are needing a great moisturizer but don't want to or can't freely spend $50 on a 1oz jar, right? That's a … Continue reading Skin Care On A Budget 101

South Korea: The Ugly and Not So Ugly Truth of My First Visit

So as many of you know, I went to South Korea last year in hopes of teaching for a year. Well, that went downhill real quick and I'm gonna share some more about my experience as a whole with you, more like the "ugly" side of my trip. HOWEVER, this is not a bash on … Continue reading South Korea: The Ugly and Not So Ugly Truth of My First Visit

Korean Product Review!

Whoo!! We all knew this was coming, with my love for Korean skin care and makeup, I just had to do a review of some products I have been using lately. Since I'm currently still sad about not being able to go to South Korea and Japan this month due to the coronavirus, I have … Continue reading Korean Product Review!

Skin Care Guide For Those Turning 30 and Older

When you think about it, many posts nowadays are usually geared towards the younger woman in her 20's who still has that beautiful fresh skin look, but, you still have that beautiful look too but you might just need some extra lovin from time to time as you begin to age, and that's just part … Continue reading Skin Care Guide For Those Turning 30 and Older